William Wilberforce
ABOLITION OF SLAVERY: A DREAM COMES TRUE AND HISTORY IS CHANGED Fifty years of struggle for an ideal. A vision passionat...
27 September, 2014No commentABOLITION OF SLAVERY: A DREAM COMES TRUE AND HISTORY IS CHANGED Fifty years of struggle for an ideal. A vision passionat...
27 September, 2014No commentIt was in 2008 when Ward Brehm made a speech in Washington DC. It was in a grand room, in the presence of the Presiden...
27 September, 2014No commentTUNNE KELAM, European Member of Parliament, comments on how restrengthening Europe`s values is of uttermost importanc...
08 September, 2014No commentAmbassador, Senator, Mayor, Congressman and even President of Ecuador. Developing a sound character in public and privat...
23 May, 2017No commentTUNNE KELAM, European Member of Parliament, comments on how restrengthening Europe`s values is of uttermost importance in order to deal with the current global crisis....
08 September, 2014No commentABOLITION OF SLAVERY: A DREAM COMES TRUE AND HISTORY IS CHANGED Fifty years of struggle for an ideal. A vision passionately pursued. An entire people group given the right to live as free men. Law re-written on the principle of justice and human equality. Fore...
27 September, 2014No comment